I will admit that I jumped on the Twilight bandwagon a little late. Fortunately for me, I did it the smart way...by reading the books before seeing the Twilight movie. Let me explain, for you non-Twihards out there, why it seems lame if you have seen the trailers.
I will be the first to admit, though I would love to make Rob Pattinson my bitch, that I am not the biggest fan of the movie. For those who have not read the books, it was probably an even worse cinematic experience for you. The scenes seem to be almost pieced together. So for a first timer...it can be confusing. The handsome brooding guy that glares at the new girl in disgust, awkwardly tries to befriend her, scares the shit out of her in a forest, and BAM! Suddenly they are in love and there is a vampire fight scene. Essentially the first book was based on the love story element...doesn't make for a great vampire flick. So I think the direction they went in was to skip to the action and try to draw in a new audience. Result: definitely a tween geared movie. I honestly believe that the next movie 'New Moon' coming out this November will be much better, though still not comparable to the books. And please, don't get me started on the acting...because I think that a better job could have been done...
On to the books. First, let me start by saying that one of my favorite things about this series is that the author writes her character Bella in first person. Very rare for a fictional character, but done in a way that allows you to better connect with the feelings and emotions of the character.
'Twilight' essentially introduces you to the characters, where they come from, and the differences between them. For the most part it is the story of how Bella [the plain girl] and Edward [the century old Vampire] fall in love after struggling to keep their distance from one another, because they know that they are different and a relationship would be a huge struggle to make work....without one or both of them dissapearing. There are plenty of vampire type things in this book, a great vampire baseball scene [which was actually played well in the movie], and yes, the fight scene. But still, more or less a love story. By this point I was already loving the characters and their depth, and was already hooked.
From here, the next three books [New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn] are completely action packed with heartbreak, suspense, new friendships, good vampires, bad vampires, insane fight scenes, a total shocker, and so on. I can't even begin to explain without giving it all away, because I'd end up rambling on about every amazing scene that comes to mind. Yes, this series is geared towards a teenage audience. But it is not just a vampire love story, it is so much more than that. The characters are written so well that you literally can relate to their feelings. Not to mention the author debunks so many of the traditional vampire myths...sleeping in coffins, frying to death in the sunlight, etc.
This is one of those collections, that once you've read them, had such an affect onyou, that you will immediately find yourself re-reading the series.
Ultimately, I think the movies will get better, as the books did in succession. But I cannot preach enough, that you are missing so much if you did not read the books. And I strongly suggest that even if you've seen the movie, you read the first book. A lot of things were not included in the movie, that are going to lead into major parts of the NEXT movie.
/nerd mode
Monday, July 27, 2009
Andie's Take on the Twilight Movie and Books
Posted by NautiAndie at 10:44 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
'The Depression' of the 21st Century?
Is this it? I think it is comparable, or getting to that point at any rate. This post was inevitable. The current state of our economy is affecting all of us.
During President Obama's speech, the small portion I did listen to a few nights ago, he made a point of saying that things are getting better, leveling off in regards to the economy. Personally, I don't see it. Maybe it was meant as a comforting statement for those out there feeling hopeless right now.
In the last month alone not only has our workload shrunk, but we have been forced to lay off a few employees (and likely more soon), stop contributing to 401K's, cut some employees pay, and their hours as well. We are making our bills, thanks to lines of credit...but we aren't getting any money in. Once that contract is signed, we have to honor it. The most we can do at this point is put liens on properties, and we won't get paid until that property owner tries to sell. That's nice...but it doesn't help us right now. So see, the state of the economy is catching up with all of us, we're just lucky that we were unaffected this long. Moreover, I'm lucky in that I live at home and don't have a mortgage to pay, so that I can pay the bills that I do have.
A few days a man called (one of many) in search of a job. He spent a few moments talking to me about our trade, and how he has been in it for 40+ years and has never seen it this slow. The poor man sounded so dejected. You could practically hear the worry and defeat in his voice. =/ And it's not just the fire sprinkler trade or construction. So many of my friends are out of work right now, and relentlessly going through the interview process over and over again. Either businesses are not hiring, or are sending people away for being overqualified. This is happening all over the country.
So I went to BarackObama.com to see what he had to say on the economy, which was this (my commentary italicized):
"Get the economy back on track:
President Obama signed legislation to jumpstart our economy, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, less than a month after his inauguration. The plan will save or create 3.5 million new jobs, make critical investments in our infrastructure and give 95 percent of working Americans a tax cut."
That's great news. But nowhere does it say how this Act works. Sure cutting our taxes is a great relief for us as citizens. But really what does it do about the 1.3 TRILLION debt deficit that our country is in? At the way things are currently going, people are not going to run out and spend all of their tax savings. They are going to invest it, or bank it. And how exactly it this Act going to save and more so create new jobs???
"Rebuild our economy on a new, sustainable foundation:
By making bold and wise investments in healthcare, energy and education, and restoring fiscal accountability to government spending, we will cut costs for American families and businesses, create good jobs that can’t be shipped overseas, give our children the education they need to be competitive in the global marketplace and leave our grandchildren a legacy they can be proud to inherit."
This also sounds great in retrospect. But what does it really mean? Come on Obama, dumb it up a little for the general public. We are not so naive as to think an entire country's problems can be repaired in a few months. But in order for us to believe in you and have hope, we need to know how your plan works. I'm not Miss Cleo up in this bitch. Giving children a competitive edge with a better education is great. But we need jobs in order for them to put that to use. And everything that has been proposed is just going to cost the government more money and put this country deeper in debt. How do we even begin to climb out of that?
See, I am not bashing on Obama, I just am curious how he is going to pull this off. Again, in retrospect it sounds wonderful. But as an American, this is one of those things that is in the back of my mind. Then again, our grandparents and great grandparents made it through 'The Depression,' they held on and pulled through. So we can too. It's just a matter of how much are Americans going to lose before seeing the light at the end of the tunnel?
Posted by NautiAndie at 8:11 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Oooh...High School Grudges? Drama?
Wow. Wow. I never really stepped on anyone's toes in high school purposely, in fact I pretty well kept to myself.
So I find it quite comical that even now, nine years after I have graduated, that drama trickles through the grapevine. You would think that in nine years one would mature, and look past whatever did or did not happen waaay back then. Strangely enough, the last drama I heard about was...well, I really don't know what it was about. Apparently someone I seldom associate with has a total disliking of me because of something that happened in high school. Funny enough, I never really was friends with or associated with said person in school. So if we had never had a conversation, how does one conclude that they dislike you? Interesting. That is his or her prerogotive, to develop a pre-conceived notion of who or what they think I am, having at that time never had a conversation with me. Likewise it is mine to conclude what I think they are...which is a hypocritical coward. Not to mention what I DO know about them, which is that they may be the most sardonic and insufferably pessimistic person I have ever spent time around.
What's more is that there was real drama in those days. With real people, that were real friends. Miscommunications and immature rumors are all part of high school, it's a given. What's really telling though is the mere fact that as adults, these people and I were able to put that drama in the past where it belongs. In our late twenties, we are mature and knowledgeable enough to realize that high school drama was not nearly as big a deal as we made it out to be, it was just trivial bullshit. We have more important things to worry about now...careers, bills, families.
So I still find it amusing that someone is harboring dislike for someone they don't even know, from nine years ago if not more. Perhaps people with issues rooted that deeply should step back and take a good, long look at themselves. I much prefer to spend my life living, not hating on people. I left that lonely, insecure shell long ago.
Posted by NautiAndie at 8:26 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
A Glimpse Into the Female Psyche...
I have spent most of the morning talking dating and relationships with a good friend. And this is my philosophy on the whole situation.
Yes, it is true that women can have sex whenever they want. IF they are willing to hookup with randoms. It's easy. If we put ourselves out there, lots of guys would be willing to rise to the occasion [no pun intended.] Whereas men really do have to work for it. However, on the flip side of that, relationships come easier for men when that is what they are looking for, and even sometimes, when it is not.
See, women [most of us at any rate] are not looking for an Adonis. Most of the time we fall for painfully mediocre men [whom to us, along with personality become our own Adonis.] Likewise, I can not reiterate enough, that cockiness is the biggest turn off to us. Modesty is key. We fall for that guy that makes us feel incredible, beautiful...like we could walk out first thing in the morning without any makeup, friday night sex hair, and an old t-shirt, and still manage to put a smile on his face.
Men [most of them] on the other hand, are so much more visual. Men are turned on by beauty, and what society has set forth as the standard of a fox. That's what guys want. A lot of the time they could care less if said fox is brainless, lacking in wit or common sense. It's all about saying "Hey...this is mine. I'm tagging that." And with some, it all about the game. Then one day, BAM! It is out of their system and they realize...."shit, so this is what I have been missing out on."
Don't get me wrong, you should always be proud of the person you are dating, or even just choosing to spend your time with. You should want to show them off for what a wonderful human being they are. But the simple truth is that...women are more apt to desire a relationship, than a string of one night stands. Been there, done that, been offered recently. Speaking from personal experience, sex is one of the best things that life has to offer. But empty sex is really, very lonely. Sure it is fun, and sometimes it is exactly what you need at exactly the right time.
In my case, I have gone down that path. I also have been in many relationships, some more longterm than others. Unfortunately, many of those times I have learned that my significant other was being shared, or that I was indeed the dirty little mistress, the bitch on the side. There is no worse way to break a woman's spirit. After I ended my last relationship, I did the randoms thing again. And it may have made me feel better at the time...but in the longrun, it still makes you feel empty.
Women want to know that a relationship is something shared between them and one other peson, who sees their greatest attributes, without the desire for someone on the side to make up for what they feel they are missing out on. Perhaps it is true in this respect, that women do mature more rapidly than men. The truth of the matter is, it all depends on your frame of mind. Random casual sex is nice. But it's not something you can curl up with, count on, trust at the end of the day. So if you find someone who completely blows your mind, don't let them walk away because they don't fit the perfection that you have dreamed up in your head. You can't have it all, and no one is perfect. Regardless of whether the relationship works out or not, at least you wont look back on it some day and say "man, I really fucked up with that one."
I apologize for the extreme case of emo here with this topic. I am just in that state of mind right now, where I have been blissfully in love, but have yet to experience the real thing. Whether long-lasting or short-term. I've never truly felt the full circle kind of love and as a woman...I'm missing out on a lot. My desire right now, is to know that someone [other than my frieds, though I love you all] can see my best attributes, and respect them, and truly care about and accept me for the person that I am. Not just approach me as a piece of ass.
Now I am sure that some of you guys are going to have another insight, or point of view on this. Please, feel free to share your opinion. This one is officially open for discussion, because really...we all could use a little glimpse into the innermost workings of the opposite sex.
Posted by NautiAndie at 6:55 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sports Players: Keep Your Balls in Order
I think in light of our current economical times, I should make my first post light. So let's pick on the athletes! Don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet, an economical rant is inevitably on the horizon.
Let's focus here on sports players vs. pay scale.
First off, let me start by stating that this IS a generalization. Of all of the athletic men I have met, most of them are overtly cocky with the rare exception [such as Steve, Danny, and a few others]. Now don't get me wrong, women love the thrill of a chase as much as any man but when a man is too full of himself and turns everything into a game it is a huge turnoff. No matter how handsome of a man, too much self assurance will always turn you foul. I assume the fascination towards ball players is not just their talents, but from a woman's point of view, their athletic physique. Yes, they have a certain amount of sex appeal.
What never ceases to amaze me though, is the kind of crap that sports players [as any type of celebrity] can get by with. From not abiding laws and rules, to being unfaithful, to being completely idolized regardless of some of the actions they, as human beings have taken. Many of these athletes have a God complex, like they are above the norm, and therefore above the standards set for the general population. But we as fans, fuel this fire by not voicing how we feel about it. For instance, Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins; His job is to abide by the rules set forth by the NFL, in order to be compensated by doing something that he loves. He chooses however, to bend and break those rules with his many marijuana woes, yet still is awarded a position that allows him to be paid far more money than the average working class American. Another prime example, is Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees baseball team; Here is a man who has had plenty of affairs and publicly humiliated his family. And yet to some naive people, he is viewed as a hero of sorts. This just feeds the common practice of "playing the game" in today's dating World. It is one's own prerogative, though as a man....well, it really makes you kind of a douchebag. And let's be realistic here, why do women swoon over this man? He very much reminds me personally of those treasure trolls we all had as 80's kids...just with shorter hair and longer limbs.
Enough about the generalizations of sports players...let's talk pay scale. I am not deluded enough to say that sports players do not have 'real jobs.' Realistically, they are at a much higher risk of physical work-related injury than most of us are, for our entertainment purposes. But should that really put them on such a high pay scale? Really, contracts are going for millions of dollars for these men and women to play a game....a pastime. An actor/actress is more acceptable to me...they have to read and memorize an entire script, become their character and suffer the sometimes emotional stress that is involved in creating said character. They also must be on location and working on any given project for months, sometimes years...simply for our entertainment. Now given, sports players do take part in extensive training, and physically exert themselves much more than I ever would be willing...and they should be monetarily compensated. But should they really be paid millions, to play a game?
I'm curious, what are all of your opinions on this? [and for the record, I think some actors and actresses are much overpaid as well.]
Posted by NautiAndie at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Analyzation
Know Your Blog MIstress
Welcome to my little spot on the web, or blip on the map if you will. Initially I had this ingenuous idea, that my friends should give their testimonials to my character...but that turned out to be much less modest than my own would have been, as you can see below:
Frances Rose Cuca writes:
"Uniquely awesome in every way! Fun, party girl with great taste in makeup/hair and music."
Carla Betancourt writes:
"Andrea exudes of sex and leaves a sultry wine in her wake...♥ "
Manny Diaz writes:
"Andrea is MEGA UBER AWESOME..thats my description..Oh yeah."
Julia Bartlett Rodriguez writes:
"Well I don't know you in person but from what I've learned about from online…I think you're witty & clever. You have great way with words in which to express yourself & I really admire that & that you put yourself out there & don't give a shit about what people think!"
Damian C. (author of Unaimed Pistols Under Supervision) writes:
"If you need a indestructible car to do some destruction derby, you need an Andie in a blog to destroy entries. I don't know where I'm going with this. All I know is Andie can party and I'm sure she has upcoming entries that will include sex, drugs, and rock n roll. I mean what other kind of blog would you be asking for?"
So, I guess it is up to me afterall. I am a laid back SoFlo girl with a rather busy mind. I am not your typical South Floridian, in that I club hop at any given chance, and blow every penny I make on overpriced meals on the beach. And I am definitely not roaming SoBe at all hours, because honestly life is not a popularity contest...I'd much rather go to a more family oriented beach and not feel like I am being criticized by every face that shimmies on by. My thoughts range from practical to quite humorous, and if left alone will swirl around the vortex that is my mind, until eventually I am emotionally exhausted. I am well known for not having any filters, you never know what is going to come out of my mouth, but know that it is never meant to offend. More so to be as blunt and honest as possible. Most of what can be found in this blog are random subjects that are analyzed far too much, with ocassional emo tendencies.
Nothing written on this page is intended to offend anyone, as it is my own personal opinion. Please feel free to post your comments and opinions as well. Interaction is key. So sit back, and enjoy!
Posted by NautiAndie at 11:52 AM 0 comments