Welcome to my little spot on the web, or blip on the map if you will. Initially I had this ingenuous idea, that my friends should give their testimonials to my character...but that turned out to be much less modest than my own would have been, as you can see below:
Frances Rose Cuca writes:
"Uniquely awesome in every way! Fun, party girl with great taste in makeup/hair and music."
Carla Betancourt writes:
"Andrea exudes of sex and leaves a sultry wine in her wake...♥ "
Manny Diaz writes:
"Andrea is MEGA UBER AWESOME..thats my description..Oh yeah."
Julia Bartlett Rodriguez writes:
"Well I don't know you in person but from what I've learned about from online…I think you're witty & clever. You have great way with words in which to express yourself & I really admire that & that you put yourself out there & don't give a shit about what people think!"
Damian C. (author of Unaimed Pistols Under Supervision) writes:
"If you need a indestructible car to do some destruction derby, you need an Andie in a blog to destroy entries. I don't know where I'm going with this. All I know is Andie can party and I'm sure she has upcoming entries that will include sex, drugs, and rock n roll. I mean what other kind of blog would you be asking for?"
So, I guess it is up to me afterall. I am a laid back SoFlo girl with a rather busy mind. I am not your typical South Floridian, in that I club hop at any given chance, and blow every penny I make on overpriced meals on the beach. And I am definitely not roaming SoBe at all hours, because honestly life is not a popularity contest...I'd much rather go to a more family oriented beach and not feel like I am being criticized by every face that shimmies on by. My thoughts range from practical to quite humorous, and if left alone will swirl around the vortex that is my mind, until eventually I am emotionally exhausted. I am well known for not having any filters, you never know what is going to come out of my mouth, but know that it is never meant to offend. More so to be as blunt and honest as possible. Most of what can be found in this blog are random subjects that are analyzed far too much, with ocassional emo tendencies.
Nothing written on this page is intended to offend anyone, as it is my own personal opinion. Please feel free to post your comments and opinions as well. Interaction is key. So sit back, and enjoy!
New Makeup Tutorial - Using the Paris palette!
12 years ago
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