Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oooh...High School Grudges? Drama?

Wow. Wow. I never really stepped on anyone's toes in high school purposely, in fact I pretty well kept to myself.

So I find it quite comical that even now, nine years after I have graduated, that drama trickles through the grapevine. You would think that in nine years one would mature, and look past whatever did or did not happen waaay back then. Strangely enough, the last drama I heard about was...well, I really don't know what it was about. Apparently someone I seldom associate with has a total disliking of me because of something that happened in high school. Funny enough, I never really was friends with or associated with said person in school. So if we had never had a conversation, how does one conclude that they dislike you? Interesting. That is his or her prerogotive, to develop a pre-conceived notion of who or what they think I am, having at that time never had a conversation with me. Likewise it is mine to conclude what I think they are...which is a hypocritical coward. Not to mention what I DO know about them, which is that they may be the most sardonic and insufferably pessimistic person I have ever spent time around.

What's more is that there was real drama in those days. With real people, that were real friends. Miscommunications and immature rumors are all part of high school, it's a given. What's really telling though is the mere fact that as adults, these people and I were able to put that drama in the past where it belongs. In our late twenties, we are mature and knowledgeable enough to realize that high school drama was not nearly as big a deal as we made it out to be, it was just trivial bullshit. We have more important things to worry about, bills, families.

So I still find it amusing that someone is harboring dislike for someone they don't even know, from nine years ago if not more. Perhaps people with issues rooted that deeply should step back and take a good, long look at themselves. I much prefer to spend my life living, not hating on people. I left that lonely, insecure shell long ago.


Shimmerpixy said...

I found this to be hilarious! Seriously they had nothing better to do I take it than to keep a grudge going. They need to remove the cock from their mouth and insert into their ass. I think it's been long enough for high school drama to have been killed and buried by now...